Intel® Teach Elements: Order CDs for offline, self-paced learning 
The information you provide here will be used by Intel’s fulfillment
company to ship the CDs you request and by Intel® Education Customer
Support if there are any issues with your order. Your information will
not be used for any other purpose.
One Intel Teach Elements course is included per CD.
You may order quantity 1, 2, or 3 CDs for Project-Based Approaches,
Assessment in 21st Century Classrooms, Collaboration in the Digital
Classroom, Thinking Critically with Data, and Educational Leadership in
the 21st Century.
Click here
Tips :
1.Enter some Company Name.
2. Leave State, Province and CPF Number while filling form and Confirm order.
On the next page review and again confirm your order.

The information you provide here will be used by Intel’s fulfillment
company to ship the CDs you request and by Intel® Education Customer
Support if there are any issues with your order. Your information will
not be used for any other purpose.
One Intel Teach Elements course is included per CD.
You may order quantity 1, 2, or 3 CDs for Project-Based Approaches,
Assessment in 21st Century Classrooms, Collaboration in the Digital
Classroom, Thinking Critically with Data, and Educational Leadership in
the 21st Century.
Click here
Tips :
1.Enter some Company Name.
2. Leave State, Province and CPF Number while filling form and Confirm order.
On the next page review and again confirm your order.
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